Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I am NOT the next Biggest Loser (part II)

So, I get the call-back-call and...even though I'm not supposed to tell anyone I just HAD to tell SOMEONE!!!
(Well...let me clarify...she basically said I could tell my immediate family...those who "needed" to know, but that they couldn't tell anyone and I was to keep this to keep it to a minimum.)
And you know now....when you REALLY need to get a hold of someone.....is the time that you CANNOT.      Oh geeeez!......but......I have this pent up energy inside of me and when I shouted
to my kids who were 1/2 asleep in the back of the van....they just didn't get it! So, I cheated and called a couple of friends and SWORE them to secrecy. That was supposed to appease the excitement gods writhing in my belly, but....I think it only fed them!!!! I was totally freaking out! Plus...I was literally in the middle of Iowa and I didn't know whether to keep driving or stop and turn around!!!
My mom finally called me back and after she calmed down from hearing the news, we decided that I should finish the trip...let the kids hang up there and I would go back for the interview on my own. At that point it wouldn't have affected my driving time for the night, it would have been the same distance to finish the trip or turn around and it also allowed me to keep on the down-low while I was back in KC.

I arrived in MN just a bit after 1am on Sunday morning...the 1st of July....the same day I was going to have to drive BACK down to KC to make my 10am interview the next Monday morning! So, I tried to sleep-- but you know that was pretty much useless. When I got up the next morning I had a ton to do....BESIDES driving for another 8-10 hours. I was equally as un-excited about the drive back as I was EXcited about the call back interview. But before I could leave I needed to acquire photos that would best describe my fat-girl journey and also fill out a 10 PAGE interview application!!! Most people are at home while doing this and I was not only on 'vacation' but I needed to be on the road....again!!! Plus, this was my first day back up in MN and I wanted to be with family who were stopping by to see me and they were oblivious to my need to shut-up in a room and write out this application! I'm sure they were thinking:
(And- why are all of these photos of Jessica "grOWING" throughout the years spread all over the the table?)

I didn't manage to leave by my goal time of 4 pm...I think it was more like 6 or so....which was going to put me in KC at 2a.m instead of 12a.m. (Unfortunately, I had to make a few extra pit stops to avoid SHAT-TING my pants because I was.....well......having some prollems!) This put me in KC at about FOUR a.m with still a few things to do to be ready for my interview...a few more pics to gather and such. I should have just stayed up at this point, but I just needed to close my eyes for a moment so....I took a little cat nap from 6:30-8 before I had to get ready.
Getting ready: not much to say, except I wore my hair down & curly with a little braid in the front...nothing much different than I would wear on my occasional 'hair-down' days :)
What to WEAR however was another thing!!! I was told that I needed to wear something 'form-fitting', not. white.... and jewel tones were best. During my earlier call Ashley had said: 'we want to see your body...don't wear a flowy top and spanks"...I replied "OH, so....not what I wore today to the casting call!?!?!? hahaa!!"
I had a pair of capri pants that I wore last year that were pretty much jeggings at that point (a good 25+ pounds up from the last time they adorned my body)...and were 'outlaw'd' to the ever-growing-never-wear-in-public pile accumulating in my closet!
And a 'form fitting' purple top that had also been shoved to the back of my closet. 

I really did think about just bringing this shin-dig along with me and changing in the bathroom of the hotel so no one had to see me....BUT- I was about to sign on to show in which I would divulge my blubber to all of america so....I guess I just, swallowed my pride and waddled on forth!

I was pushing it time wise, I had to stop by Walgreens and pic up the photos ordered for the interview before heading to the hotel. It was nearly 1/2 way there when I realized I didn't have my phone. ShItOWsKI!!!!! Are you serious???? On THIS day I have to do something like THIS???? 
 Jessica-  you stank it up pretty awesome sometimes, but seriously...today....when this amazing opportunity awaits you...you forget the phone with which they are going to call you on to tell you which room to come to!?!?!?

I had no choice but to turn around, get my phone (which I'd left on my counter after one last mirror check), make the shameful "I'm-running-late" phone call and just GET there!!! I was supposed to arrive 15 minutes before my interview time but instead made it JUST on time. Then I text them to let them know I was there...as asked.
Then I waited a few minutes and didn't hear anything.
Checked my phone....
GEEZ!!!!!---- I'd texted a guy from my church who I'd been matched up with for some budget counseling!!!

So, again...I texted the RIGHT person and a few seconds later they summoned me up!!!

AND....I'll leave it at that for tonight.....Part III should finish it up!!!!  ;)


  1. Talk about leaving a girl hanging...

  2. love it so far!! -- alicia m.

  3. To quote ummm.... YOU! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    No fair - can't wait to hear the rest of the story. :)

  4. like the way you wrote this out...

  5. "I had a pair of capri pants that I wore last year that were pretty much jeggings at that point" - one of the many quotables that made me laugh out loud. Continue!
