Friday, June 15, 2012

CharMiNgLY QUirKy

So, the other day I was having one of those silly conversations with a friend. It was regarding the topic of 'social awkwardness.'  We were debating whether we were in the club or not. (Admit it, you've wondered too.) Am I socially awkward!? No.....certainly not, we'd decided. Sure, we're silly...a little weird...and not afraid to share that with random others who cross our paths and especially those we've become closer to,...but not socially awkward. Just...a little....quirky! That's it! QUIRKY! But not just's a likeable kind of quirky....the kind that is nice and happy and silly and unique and genuine. It's...... charming. Charmingly Quirky. THATS IT! We're not socially awkward....we're: 
 CharMiNgLY QUirKy
 "I'm keeping it!" I told her as we settled on our title....then we made it art (see below) and later, she signed me on to, and I registered for this here blog! So...there it first blog! It might be my only....or maybe the first of a million. Only time, and my charmingly quirky ways, will tell!